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Pujarigudem [Z] Population - Khammam, Andhra Pradesh

Pujarigudem [Z] is a small village located in Venkatapuram Mandal of Khammam district, Andhra Pradesh with total 49 families residing. The Pujarigudem [Z] village has population of 126 of which 62 are males while 64 are females as per Population Census 2011.

In Pujarigudem [Z] village population of children with age 0-6 is 11 which makes up 8.73 % of total population of village. Average Sex Ratio of Pujarigudem [Z] village is 1032 which is higher than Andhra Pradesh state average of 993. Child Sex Ratio for the Pujarigudem [Z] as per census is 1200, higher than Andhra Pradesh average of 939.

Pujarigudem [Z] village has lower literacy rate compared to Andhra Pradesh. In 2011, literacy rate of Pujarigudem [Z] village was 61.74 % compared to 67.02 % of Andhra Pradesh. In Pujarigudem [Z] Male literacy stands at 73.68 % while female literacy rate was 50.00 %.

As per constitution of India and Panchyati Raaj Act, Pujarigudem [Z] village is administrated by Sarpanch (Head of Village) who is elected representative of village. Our website, don't have information about schools and hospital in Pujarigudem [Z] village.

Pujarigudem [Z] Data

Particulars Total Male Female
Total No. of Houses 49 - -
Population 126 62 64
Child (0-6) 11 5 6
Schedule Caste 0 0 0
Schedule Tribe 79 40 39
Literacy 61.74 % 73.68 % 50.00 %
Total Workers 88 43 45
Main Worker 48 - -
Marginal Worker 40 6 34

Caste Factor

In Pujarigudem [Z] village, most of the village population is from Schedule Tribe (ST). Schedule Tribe (ST) constitutes 62.70 % of total population in Pujarigudem [Z] village. There is no population of Schedule Caste (SC) in Pujarigudem [Z] village of Khammam.

Work Profile

In Pujarigudem [Z] village out of total population, 88 were engaged in work activities. 54.55 % of workers describe their work as Main Work (Employment or Earning more than 6 Months) while 45.45 % were involved in Marginal activity providing livelihood for less than 6 months. Of 88 workers engaged in Main Work, 16 were cultivators (owner or co-owner) while 25 were Agricultural labourer.